Because employee earnings from this job are not covered under Social Security, employees are required to participate in one of the following retirement programs:
- Colorado Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA)
- The Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) with TIAA
Eligibility to participate in PERA or the DCP shall be determined in accordance with title 24, articles 51 and 54.5 of the Colorado Revised Statues.
Employee retirement plan options
The Defined Contribution Plan provides a retirement plan to Colorado Mesa University employees who may not be eligible to enroll into PERA or for employees who wish to make an irrevocable choice to enroll into the DCP. When enrolled in the DCP, the employee's retirement benefit is based on the total amount of the contributions made to his/her account and the return on investments of those contributions.
Employees enrolled in the TIAA DCP mandatory 401a plan are required to contribute 8 percent of your covered earnings to your DCP account on a tax-deferred basis. Tax-deferred means they are not considered taxable income for federal and state income tax purposes. Colorado Mesa University currently contributes an amount equal to 12.4 percent of your covered earnings to your DCP Account
Employees enrolled in the DCP have the opportunity to invest in funds offered by TIAA.
TIAA Contact Information
The 403b plan is a voluntary plan, also serviced by TIAA. Eligible employees will receive a match of your contribution at 50%, up to the employee contribution of 2%. Take time to plan, save and invest for your retirement. The 403b Supplemental Retirement Plan allows you the opportunity to build an investment program and expand the opportunities available to you upon retirement. This plan is a voluntary plan because you choose to contribute to your savings for your retirement in addition to the 401a mandatory retirement plan. Contributions made to the supplemental retirement plan are made pre-tax, so contributions are deducted from your salary before taxes are taken out. Another advantage to the supplemental retirement plan is that your contributions, interest and earnings grow tax deferred until you withdraw them, which is typically at retirement.
View instructions on starting or changing your 403b contribution.
TIAA Contact Information
PERA (Public Employees Retirement Association) is a defined benefit retirement plan which is available to Professional Personnel of the State of Colorado only if you have had a least one year of PERA-eligible employment upon date of hire.
Established in 1931, PERA serves as a substitute for Social Security for many members. Eligible employees of Colorado Mesa University who are enrolled in PERA are enrolled in the Defined Benefit Plan, which assures employees of a specific monthly payment at their retirement without regard to the return on the plan's investments.
PERA is not an option for those employees hired after May 1, 1994, except for an eligible employee who is in an active or inactive member of PERA with at least one year of service credit and who elects within thirty (30) calendar days of appointment to remain in PERA.
PERA members contribute an approved percentage of their monthly salary to a PERA member contribution account. Colorado Mesa University contributes an additional approved percentage. Your PERA contributions are tax-deferred, which means they are not considered taxable income for federal and state income tax purposes.
Please view the employee benefits guide for the most up-to-date contribution rates.
PERA Customer Service
PERAPlus 457 Plan and PERAPlus 401(k) Plan
Available to all employees. Information and enrollment packets are available in the Human Resources office or from PERA.
Most employees know that it is a good idea to take time to plan, save and invest for a financially secure future. The Voluntary Supplemental Retirement Plans allow you the opportunity to build an investment program and expand the opportunities available to you upon retirement.
Plans available to CMU employees include:
PERA 401(k) Plan:
Available to any PERA member. Information and enrollment packets are available in the Human Resources office or from PERA.
PERA 457 Plan:
This program is administered by Colorado PERA and offers pre-tax mutual fund and investments. Information is available in the Human Resources Office or from PERA.
PERA Customer Service
Other retirement resources
CMU is not a Social Security Employer. Employees of CMU do not participate in the Social Security program and a pension from this job could affect future Social Security benefits to which you may be entitled. Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security (SSA 1945)
- Social Security Protection Act of 2004
- Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision
- Government Pension Offset
For specific questions regarding your eligibility for social security, please contact your local Social Security office
Check out our Announcements page for up-to-date quarterly retirement reports.
Please review and complete your TIAA Beneficiary Designation here. After you log in to your account go to Actions, select Add/Edit Beneficiaries. From there you can designate beneficiaries and select how much each should receive. For assistance please call 1.800.842.2252 or visit
For PERA members and non-PERA members, please review and complete your Colorado PERA Beneficiary Designation at
401(a) Plan #64076
403(b) Plan #73732
Employee Account Services #1-800-343-0860
AIG Retirement Services (formerly VALIC)
Group Name: Mesa State College
Group #10013
Employee Retirement Services #1-800-448-2542
TIAA Resources
- TIAA Financial Essentials Webinars (Live & On-Demand)
- TIAA Guiding you Through Turbulent Times (web page)
- TIAA Brokerage Reference Guide (PDF)
Retirement and financial advising for employees
National Contact Center (Monday - Saturday) 800.842.2252
Schedule an in-person meeting by calling 800.732.8353
Insight Financial Solutions
In addition to TIAA, CMU partners with Insight Financial Solutions to provide independent advice to employee participants. Insight will maintain regular on-campus office hours.
Insight Financial Solutions is available for both on-campus and off-campus meetings.
Contact Kevin Price or Jason Stanfield or schedule an on-campus appointment the 1st Monday of every month.
Kevin Price LUTCF, PPC, CPFA 970.201.6533 |
Jason Stanfield ChFC 970.986.8053 |